Section 2 Terms of apprenticeship contract
 Article 54: No one can be a teacher or endeavor an apprenticeship if he is under twenty - one years of age, and can't legitimize having penetrated, for no under two years, the calling to be taught as a specialist, mentor, authority or capable worker. The season of routine of his calling can be lessened to one year, if the teacher has an acknowledgment in speculative and sensible get ready from an apparent school or a specific get ready core interest.

 Article 55: No big cheese, instructor responsible for an apprenticeship can live in the same house with female minor understudies. The point of confinement as an apprenticeship teacher or a man in charge of apprenticeship is barred for:
 1. Individuals who have been pronounced blameworthy a wrongdoing.
 2. Individuals who have been at risk of carrying on against the area standard conventions.
 3. Individuals who have been kept for taking, blackmail, misappropriation and degradation.

 Article 56: A Prakas (clerical solicitation) of the Administration In charge of Work may center the occupation and sorts of work for which youngsters developed no under eighteen years are allowed to be an understudy. At the point when his expert capacity planning is adequate, the understudy is no more as an understudy yet as a pro starting now and into the foreseeable future.

 Article 57: Any endeavor using more than sixty workers must have the amount of understudies proportionate to one-tenth of the amount of the masters in organization of that wander. The best number of pupils used in an endeavor, paying minimal notice to the total number of authorities, may be managed by a Prakas of the Administration Responsible for Act according to the possible openness of workforce and materials.

 Feedback of the dedication communicated in the first area of this article can be bolstered by a decision of the Work Agent for tries that have requested to pay an apprenticeship force whose total and system for portion may be set by a Prakas of the Administration Responsible for Work


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