Domain 8 - Attributes of work foreman
 Article 45: The work designer is a sub-foreman who contracts with a business visionary and who himself picks the essential work drive or specialists for the execution of certain work or the acquisition of specific associations at a complete cost. Such an assention must be in making.

Article 46: The misuse or underestimation of workers by the work foreman or sub-producer is limited.

 Article 47: The work foreman is obliged to watch the acquirements of this law in the same way as a common executive and expect the same duties as the last.

 Article 48: In case there should be an occasion of section 11 or default by the work engineer, the delegate or the official of gigantic business may substitute for the foreman to satisfy his obligations to the experts. The hurt specialists, in such case, may report a gathering of affirmation especially against the agent or boss.

 Article 49: The work foreman is obliged to demonstrate his status, the name and territory of the business visionary, by fastening them to a place that is basically conspicuous in every workshop, storeroom, or work site where work is performed.

 Article 50: The business visionary may reliably keep open a rundown of work makers with whom he has contracted. This rundown, showing the name, zone, and status of the work foreman and in addition the circumstance of every working environment, must be sent to the Work Specialists' Office inside of seven entire days taking after the date of signifying the work contract. This period is joined with fifteen days for developing attempts or affiliations.


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