Territory 5 Account record
 Article 39: Every big cheese of a try or establishment secured by Article 17 above strength constantly keep a fund record whose arrangement ought to be set by a Prakas (peaceful solicitation) of the Administration Responsible for Work. Before being used, each one of the pages of the fund record must be numbered and initialed by the Work Assessor. The fund record must be kept in the Bureau of Assistant or Head Office of each attempt with the objective that it is simply available rapidly for surveys. The business ought to keep the fund record for quite a while after it has been closed. The Work Analyst may require to see the account record at whatever point.

 Article 40: The fund record ought to record: an) information about each worker used by the endeavor. b) all proofs concerning the work performed, wage and events.

 Article 41: Any endeavors that wish to make the account record in a substitute way however contains the same sort of information and the same method for overview, may apply to the Work Commentator's Office. Section 6 Association store

 Article 42: The "association store" is portrayed as any establishment where the business particularly or by suggestion offers his workers or their families foodstuffs and supply of any kind, for their own particular needs. Association stores are affirmed under the four conditions as takes after: 1. The workers are not obliged to shop just there. 2. The administrator or his authority is not allowed to make an advantage from the offer of the stock. 3. The accounting of each association store is to be absolutely unmistakable of that of the endeavor. 4. The expense of things at a deal is to be demonstrated unmistakably.

 Article 43: The opening of an association store is managed by a Prakas (ministerial solicitation) of the Administration In charge of Work. The Work Analyst screens the operation of association stores whose organization is moreover shared by the picked representatives of the concerned workers. The Work Controller has the ability to demand a brief shutdown of an association store until a positive conclusion is made by the Administration In charge of Work. Territory 7 Guarantee

 Article 44: The big boss can't subject the stamping or the keeping up of vocation contract to a cash guarantee or commitment of any structure.


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