Range 3 Open solicitation

Article 13: The acquisitions of this law are of the method for open solicitation, beside stigmatizations gave expressly. Along these lines, each of the fundamentals occurred due to an uneven decision, an assention or a convention that don't agree to the acquisitions of this law or any honest to goodness content for its usage, are invalid and void. Beside the acquisitions of this law that can't be disparaged in any way, the nature of open solicitation of this law is not obstructive to the permitting of entertain or the rights superior to anything the points of interest and the rights described in this law, yielded masters by an uneven decision of an administrator or a social occasion of directors, by a job contract, by a total convention or understanding, or by an arbitral decision.

 Region 4 Notoriety

 Article 14: The big enchilada must keep no under one copy of the work law at the exchange of his experts and, particularly, of the workers' operators in every endeavor or establishment set forward in Article 1 of this law. Portion 5 Compelled work

 Article 15: Compelled or important work is absolutely unthinkable in likeness with the Overall Custom No. 29 on the compelled or vital work, got on June 28, 1930 by the Worldwide Work Affiliation and endorsed by the Kingdom of Cambodia on February 24, 1969. This article applies to everyone, including domestics or family unit workers and all pros in cultivating endeavors or associations.

 Article 16: Enrolling of people for work to pay off commitments is denied.


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