Part II Tries - Establishments
Zone 1 Presentation of the opening and closing of the endeavor

 Article 17:  All big bosses to whom this work law is joined, ought to make a presentation to the Administration In charge of Work when opening an endeavor or establishment. This disclosure is known as a declaration of the opening of the endeavor or establishment, that must be made in making and be submitted to the Administration Responsible for Work before the certifiable opening of the endeavor or establishment.

 Big bosses who use under eight experts on an enduring reason and who don't use contraption, ought to make and present this disclosure to the Administration In charge of Work within thirty days taking after the genuine opening of the attempt or establishment.

 Article 18: For the end of the attempt, directors ought to similarly make a presentation to the Administration In charge of Work within thirty days taking after the end of the endeavor.

 Article 19: A Prakas (clerical solicitation) of the Administration In charge of Work ought to portray the custom and procedure of the announcements to take after for each circumstance.

 Article 20: Every administrator may set up and flawlessly keep a register of an establishment that was numbered and initialed by the Work Screen. The model of the register ought to be set by a Prakas of the Administration In charge of Work.


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