B. Regarding the worker
 1. Taking, misappropriation, burglary;
 2. Fake acts submitted at the season of stamping (presentation of false documentation) or in the midst of employment (damage, refusal to agree to the terms of the work contract, revealing capable classifiedness).
 3. Certifiable infractions of disciplinary, wellbeing, and wellbeing regulations.
 4. Risk, unforgiving tongue or trap against the official or diverse masters.
 5. Influencing distinctive workers to submit honest to goodness offenses.
 6. Political deliberate attention, activities or shows in the establishment.

 Article 84: Pending the making of the Work Court, the consistent court has the district to center the degree of offenses other than those included in the previous article.

 Article 85: The official may find himself not ready to meet his duties in the setting of Article 82 - area 3, particularly in the going with cases:
 1. The end of the establishment by open forces.
 2. Disaster (flooding, seismic tremor, war) that cause material pulverization and make it hard to resume work for a long time. For death of the big boss that causes the finish of the establishment, the experts are met all requirements for a repayment proportionate to that of the notice period.

 Article 86: The master may find himself not ready to meet his responsibilities in the association of Article 82 - area 3 , particularly in the going with cases. 1. Relentless ailment, wildness, never-ending powerlessness; 2. Confinement. The cases refered to in the first section over, the director can't be released from his dedication to give the previous warning. 

Article 87: If a change happens in the legal status of the administrator, particularly by movement or legacy, arrangement, merger or transference of trust to shape an association, all work contracts in fact upon the landing of the change stay tying between the new manager and the workers of the past endeavor.

 The understanding can't be finished except for under the conditions set down in the present Zone. The end of an endeavor, except for showings of God, does not release the business from his duties as communicated in this fragment III. Indebtedness and legitimate liquidation are not considered as exhibits of God.

 Article 88: In associations of an intermittent nature, as indicated by once-over managed by a Prakas of the Priest In charge of Work, the lessening of authorities toward the end of a work period can't be considered as discharge, and does not achieve any pay. Regardless, the lay - off ought to be accounted for no under eight days early by a created notice conspicuously posted at the standard area of each work site, and if applicable, on each vessel on which there is a work site.


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