Zone 3 Night work

Article 144:
 For the reasons of this law, the expression "night" identifies with a period of no under eleven consecutive hours that consolidates the break some place around 2200 and 0500 hour. Other than perpetual work that is performed by turning gatherings who here and there work in the midst of the day and once in a while amid the night, the work at the attempt can just consolidate a touch of night work. Night work is paid at the rate set in Article 139 of this law.

 Region 4 After a long time off 

Article 145:
 The obtainments of the present Region ought to apply to authorities used in endeavors of any kind as decided in Article 1 of this law. Then again, these obtainments don't have any noteworthy bearing to rail transport workers, whose time off is secured by exceptional acquirements.

 Article 146:
 It is prohibited from using the same worker for more than six days for every week.

 Article 147:
 After a long time off strength continue going for no less than twenty-four nonstop hours. All pros ought to be given on a fundamental level a day from deal with Sunday.

 Article 148:
 When it is set up that having all staff take Sunday off would be unfavorable to the overall public or danger the commonplace operation of the attempt, the rest must be planned as takes after:
 a). Give all staff lay on a day other than Sunday.
 b). Rest from Sunday twelve to Monday twelve.
 c). Rest by turning all staff. Basic endorsements must be requested from the Administration Responsible for Work.


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