F. Wage Conclusions
 Article 126:
 Wage conclusions with the finished objective of occupation circumstance that are given particularly or in a circuitous manner to a big enchilada, to his operators, or to any center individual, for instance, a work choice delegate are blocked.

 Article 127:
 None of the equality can be made, for the supervisor, between the worker's pay and the big enchilada's case for different supplies of whatever kind, aside from:
 1. Instruments and apparatus required for the work and that are not returned by the pro upon his departure;
 2. Things and materials under the control and use of the worker;
 3. Wholes advanced to acquire the said things;
 4. Aggregates owed to the association store. Regardless, the total whole deducted from the pay, in any case, can't surpass the bit regarded critical to give the principal living to the authority and his group.

 Article 128:
 Any director who makes an advance, other than the whole advanced for the purchase of instruments, apparatus, things and materials that the worker expect obligation of and uses, can get reimbursed just by a movement of moderate discoveries that don't surpass the transferable or connectable section of the pay.

 The deducted entireties are not to be confused for the appendable bit of the pay as managed by laws subsequently. The big enchilada has the need to deduct this connectable bit before an outcast to whom the pro owes. Bits, as stipulated in Article 116 above, and fragmentary pay portions made before the common due date however in portion for finished work, can be totally deducted from the going with paycheck.

 Article 129:
 Total understandings supporting any pay explanations other than these cases are invalid and void. In any case, the authority can endorse thoughts of his pay for commitment to the trade union to which he has a spot. This regard must be in creating and can be revoked at whatever point.


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