Article 117:
 In the occasion of an unjustified deferment in the portion of wages, the Work Assessor ought to serve notice on the big cheese to pay the pay of his masters by setting the due date by which portion must be made.

 In case portion is not made by the due date, the Work Agent may audit a report and bring the matter, to no detriment, in the witness of the capable court that may take any measure to keep the advantage in light of a real sympathy toward the workers, including assigning a transitory administrator as well. The Work Controller can then take any exercises to oblige the big enchilada to fulfill his duties toward his workers and agents.

 Article 118:
 In the event of contentions about the portion of wages, the big boss has the commitment to show that he has made the portion. This confirmation can be gotten from the sign of the authority concerned or those of two witnesses in case he is incompetent, put in the account record that the chief is obliged to keep.

 Article 119:
 It is not contradicting to the worker for the insistence that "all wages and pay are starting now paid," or for some other tantamount term of confirmation showing that the pro has disavowed all or some bit of his rights in the understanding, either in the midst of the execution or after the end of the work contract.

 In spite of the way that the worker recognizes portion without dispute, this does not suggest that he has denied the benefit to portion of all or some bit of his wages, rewards, or distinctive points of interest surrendered him by legitimate, managerial, or contractual acquisitions.


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